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Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. They come up with top ten lists that people can blog about every week.

Since a straight top ten best books would be too hard, I’m doing it by category! 🙂

Sorry for no postage last week. I’ve been sick. Finally feeling better now though!

Best Super Hero (powers) Book: Vicious vs Steelheart

World Building: Steelheart. Since Vicious was set in our world and Steelheart is set in the steel city of Newcago in a post apocalyptic like setting this was a given.

Characters: Vicious. Hard to beat Victor, I’m not sure if he’s an anti-hero or a villain, but he rocks!

Super Powers: Steelheart. Most of the powers were pretty standard (though I did love Victor’s from Vicious) but in the end Steelheart won with the unique weakness thing.

Plot: Steelheart. This is just a personal preference, because Vicious’ tale of revenge didn’t have any flaws. I just preferred the mystery of figuring out the super powered people’s weaknesses. (And though Vicious’ flashbacks were well done, I prefer a more standard timeline)

Winner: Steelheart


Runner up: Vicious


Best Urban Fantasy: Generation V vs Hold Me Closer, Necromancer (Since Dresden Files was disqualified because I read it too long ago)

Characters: Generation V. Suzume is one of the best characters I’ve ever read and though I liked all of the characters in Necromancer they just weren’t as well fleshed out as Fort and his crazy family in Generation V.

World Building: Generation V. This was a close one because they’re both fairly similar with a council (Necromancer) or a family (Gen V) in charge over other supernatural beings and investigating problems these people have. But I prefer the almost mafia style of Generation V and it spends more time establishing the different peoples.

Magic/Powers: Necromancer. The powers of the vampires and Kitsune, etc are cool in Gen V, but there was more time establishing the magic of the Necromancer. (and it’s hard to beat kick butt death magic)

Plot: Necromancer. This was another close one, because I prefer the fighting of the big bad like in Necromancer over the littler cases in Generation V, but since Gen V is a longer series a big bad can still be in the works.

Humor: Generation V. For me Urban fantasy and humor go together and these are both funny books with a similar sense of humor, but once again Suzume tips the scale for Gen V.

Winner: Generation V

Runner up: Hold Me Closer, Necromancer necromancer

Best Dystopian: Legend vs Red Rising vs Divergent vs The Hunger Games

World Building: Red Rising. There are few books to stand up to the futuristic color tiered world of Red Rising, though both Hunger Games and Divergent came in a close second and third.

Characters: Legend. I just like both Day and June. Some people say they’re too much alike, but that’s what I liked about them. They came from two opposite kinds of life, but in the end they had a lot in common.

Plot: Hunger Games. For starting this whole Dystopian craze in the first place. Red Rising comes in a close second. (I know many will say Red copies HG, but Red has spaceships!)

Romance: Legend. I just like Day + June and I’m not a big fan of Katniss + Peeta (Hunger Games) and Tris + Four (Divergent). I have hope for Reaper + Mustang (Red Rising) but since that’s not concluded yet it’s hard to say.

Winner: Legend

Runner up: Red Risingwpid-wp-1408668260148.png

Best Epic Fantasy: A Song of Ice and Fire vs Sword of Truth vs The Saga of Recluce 

Characters: A Song of Ice and Fire. Though I like the characters of all of these books no one creates likable diverse characters like Martin.

World Building: Tied. Surprisingly while good none of the epic fantasys I love have outstanding world building.

Plot: Sword of Truth. I like Ice and Fire’s plot, but it annoys me how I never know what’s going to happen next, unless a character thinks ahead, then I know nothing’s going the way they think. It’s like there’s a rule that no plans can work.

Magic: Saga of Recluce. Though I like the magic in Sword of Truth, Modesitte creates the best magic systems.

Battles: A Song of Ice and Fire. There are many ways to do large battle scenes but my favorite is to be in the mess of things and Martin does that like no one else.

A Song of Ice and Fire

Runner Up: Sword of Truthswordoftruth

Best Young Adult: Daughter of Smoke & Bone vs Lunar Chronicles vs Snow Like Ashes vs The Grisha

Characters: Cinder. With having a different protagonist in each book Cinder won, but Daughter of Smoke and Bone was a close second. Grisha wins for minor characters, but I just don’t like Alina and Mal.

World Building: Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Grisha was a close second for a cool Russian like culture, but when it comes to world building Daughter of Smoke and Bone is one of the best.

Magic/powers: Grisha. Mostly elemental, but the cool light and dark powers are just awesome. I did enjoy the wishing magic of Daughter of Smoke and Bone a lot too. I have a feeling Snow Like Ashes will be a contender after a couple more books.

Plot: Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Plot is hard to compare, because all of the books have different goals, but overall I liked the war between the chimaera vs angels best.

Winner: Daughter of Smoke & Bone
daughterofsmokeandboneRunner up: Lunar Chronicles


Best Middle Grade: Percy Jackson and the Olympians vs Skulduggery Pleasant vs Magisterium (Harry Potter would so win if I’d read it recently)

World Building: Percy Jackson. A new take on Greek mythology while still staying true. Skulduggery is a close second only because Magisterium only has one book.

Characters: Percy Jackson. Some of my favorite book characters are those from Percy Jackson and the main protagonist (Percy) himself is my favorite which never happens.

Plot: Magisterium. Percy Jackson’s plot is pretty straightforward, stop the bad guy. Skulduggery is pretty much the same with some little cases thrown in.

Magic: Skulduggery Pleasant. I like the powers half bloods of Percy Jackson get from their godly parents, but those books don’t focus on magic as much as Skulduggery does.

Humor: Percy Jackson. Skulduggery is the master of sarcasm, but no one does a bad pun like Percy.

Winner: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Percy Jackson

Runner up: Skulduggery Pleasantskulduggery-pleasant

I had lots of categories to start, Scifi, indie, humor, romance (and I debated doing best vampire, thief, etc) but it got way too long. Which books would you pick?